Engineering Brew - hashnode Issue #6

Engineering Brew - hashnode Issue #6

Five curated posts, every Friday, around 11 AM ET.

The first curated post is about building personalization at scale. I love how Devika (writer) broke all the components of personalization and then eventually brought them together.

In this post, author Chen Hui Jing breaks down browser cookies. What are they, what are all the attributes you see on your browser local storage and some cool resource links.

The next post is a framework on how to learn complex things. I am not sure if it can be done quickly, but I do believe in the iterative process Chris Baldauf mentioned.

We all have seen default domains on AWS and have possibly bookmarked them to go back. In this post, Louie Kwan shows how to personalize your APIs using custom domains on AWS (step by step)

In true Github fashion, this post talks about the problem, proposed solution, releases, bugs and fixes. They take you on a journey of how they scaled the API using Redis.

Note - This curation was originally posted on